What is Jungle Patrol?

Jungle Patrol is a local volunteer organisation that grew from the volunteer groups of early MardiGrass celebrations.

Jungle Patrol keeps watch over the streets, encourage people to keep the peace, and bears witness when they do not. Jungle Patrol cannot enter an affray, but will encourage a peaceful resolution to any disturbance. If there is an incident, it is witnessed, and aid is rendered after the event if necessary.

What does Jungle Patrol do?

  • Crowd Safety & Security
  • First Aid
  • Traffic Management
  • Event Communications
  • Visitor Information

Interested in joining Jungle Patrol?

  • Jungle Patrol operates from Friday 8am 3rd May through to early Monday morning 6th May 2024.
  • Volunteers undertake at least for 2 x 4 hour shifts.

EITHER Email Jungle Patrol Coordinator: Heidi Glover

Jungle Patrol Sign-On: 5 pm Thursday 2nd May 2024, Venue TBC

OR complete the volunteer application link below.

History of Jungle Patrol

At the first MardiGrass 32 years ago we were the MardiGrass Marshalls.

The following year, inspired by Bob Hopkins and The Plantem, Nimbin MardiGrass’s Jungle Patrol was born out of Visions of Nimbin, a community initiative. From 2000 to 2002 we were funded by the Premier’s Department NSW and Lismore Council to become a fully-fledged Street Beat community safety service.

In response to the growing numbers of people attending MardiGrass, Jungle Patrol went from a small crew of locals to over 70 folk from all over the world, with the Plantem as our mascot and our motto, “Ask for Help, Help if Asked”, proudly printed on our t-shirts. For 32 years, Jungle Patrol has provided first aid, traffic control for the Saturday Kombi Konvoy and Sunday Rally, as well as necessary community care for both MardiGrass and Nimbin village.

Over the years we have expanded our traffic control duty to include Anzac Day, NAIDOC and Illuminate Nimbin.

Jungle Patrol T-Shirts

Gallery of our unique Jungle Patrol T-shirts.